Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Medical Insurance Program

In the papers this morning was a story about the Senate Finance Committee's struggle to get some kind of medical insurance reform passed. I am extremely happy to hear that the talks now include a discussion about providing support to nonprofit cooperatives to sell insurance in competition to private companies and hold down cost as opposed to Obama's proposal that there be a government (socialist) medical program. As a general Obama supporter, I was alarmed when he wanted to introduce a government run medical program. All the american people have to do is look to Canada and Europe to see that government run programs are not the best in the world. While Germany has the best social medicine program, none of them could possibly work in the US. We have the best medical care in the world and it comes (unfortunately for most) at a cost. What is needed, is a new way to reign in the rapid acceleration of medical cost without curtailing the research being done to improve the quality of care.

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