Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Elections in the U.S.

Watching the election coverage from outside the United States has definately been interesting for me.  Now that there is a little distance of body and soul, I can see more clearly the mud slinging, he-said, she-said nonsense occuring in the media.  I'm actually waiting for there to be an explosion somewhere, unless the elections happen soon, or the candidates learn how to take our nations issues seriously and stop trying to rob women of the rights they fought so hard for.  What government in a civilized nation can hold hearings on women's issues, but not allow even one woman to be present?  That's my first question.  Second question, why are we talking about this, when we have so many unemployed and Marines murdering innocent people in a foreign country that we are supposed to be supporting while they form a democratic government?  I think before we can truly lead the world in a democratic, peaceful way, we must first learn what these things mean, and more importantly, how to do things in our own country.  This begins with choosing a candidate who proves himself of herself worthy.  Unfortunately, so far I have only seen that in one man and I hope he wins re-election.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I supported your view point up till that last sentence where you said hope he wins the re-election? oh my word... You haven't been reading inbetween the lines appareantly, he has filled any of his electorial statements, we still have unemployed people the wellfare reciepants should be drug tested before they can get their benefits. why is it that americans who work that rear ends off. get shafted and yet there are the ones who don't work and live in better houses the the middle class, and drive the luxury cars. there are people who try and try to get disability and get turned down even though they are in a wheel chair and can't help themselves. yet the ones who get disability are parking in handicap spots, walk into the store buy their grocery's with food stamps and the poor man standing on the street corner can get a dime for a phone call.