Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Wishes

Christmas is right around the corner and everyone is  busy preparing for that very special day.  There are presents to be bought, apartments and houses to be decorated and food to be prepared.  It's the same every year.  However,  a moment should be taken to reflect on the year and the people in our lives and to say "thank you" to your god for those people.  Life is short, so don't waste time and not tell the people you cherish that you love them. 
The holiday season is full of parties to attend and cards to be written and it's often difficult to take the time to let everyone know how you feel, but even a brief line would go a long way.  Hugs and smiles also work wonders. 
I want to take a minute now to wish all of my friends and family a very Merry Christmas, happiness, health and prosperity in 2014. May all of your hopes and dreams come true in the coming year.  

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