Saturday, May 2, 2009

Small World

It seems to me that the world is becoming smaller and smaller. I am living in Dresden, Germany teaching english. One of my studnts mentioned today that he is from Romania and moved to Bamberg to study. Upon graduation he took a job there and his boss at the time had lived in Mobile, Alabama for two years working as an engineer. My home town is Mobile, Alabama and the woman I am now rooming with has a son who is studying at the same University that my student graduated from. Coincidence? Not sure, but because I have had several conversations with different people here in Germany who have mentioned being in Alabama or Mobile it drives home the fact that the world seems to be shrinking. Language will soon no longer be a barrier to discussions about whatever one chooses to discuss with his or her fellow passanger on a train, plane or boat headed to another country, and who knows perhaps the person sitting next to you has been to "your neck of the woods".