I read an online article today about atheist 'mega-churches' popping up in the U.S. and around the world and I have a few things to say about them and the people who call themselves atheist.. The first thing is, just because they don't believe in God or the Trinity doesn't make them inhumane axe-murderers who want to murder everyone. Most atheist that I know are able to attend any religious service and get something out of it, whether it be a Southern Baptist church, a Pentecostal church, or a Methodist church.
Every article that you read about atheism is negative and I would like to have that come to an end. What are the people who call themselves "Christians" afraid of? If they were true Christians they would live and let live and not judge people who belong to other religious or non-religious groups.
One thing that truly irritates me is the preacher who gets up on Sunday morning and preaches to his congregation that drinking alcohol is a sin that you must ask forgiveness for and then 2 hours after the service is sitting at home with a glass of red wine in front of him. Is this not a bit hypocritical? If this preacher were any good he would teach acceptance of others and their beliefs instead of teaching his congregation what horrible people they are because, if you look closely at his life, chances are, he is only a human trying to make it in this world. Judging others for their beliefs, or lack there of is just as bad as drinking a glass of wine after preaching that it is a sin to drink.
If you are one of those people who believe that the United States is coming to an end because people are moving away from the church I have this to say to you. Don't make laws that take others' freedoms away. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't necessarily make it wrong. Don't be the one who invades other people's privacy and makes decisions, very private decisions, for them. What goes on in their lives is none of your business. If you don't want to drink, don't, but don't judge the man next door who enjoys a glass of wine in the evening. The world would be a much better place if you would try and be a little more tolerant.
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