Thursday, November 28, 2013

Things to be Thankful for

Yesterday was Thanksgiving day and I know most of you cooked a turkey, whether fried, baked or grilled and sat down at a table full of family and friends, said grace and partook in a really delicious meal while watching football.  You do this every year and then you go shopping and spend money you most likely don't have without thinking much about it.  It's what we all do during Thanksgiving.
I would just like to suggest an alternative to this wonderful craziness.  Why not cook your meal sit down with whomever you are closest to, family or the guy that works in accounting at the office, enjoy  your meal and talk during the meal, instead of turning on the television and having it blast whatever during  lunch or dinner. Turn it off and talk to the people around you.  Tell them you are happy they are in your life and maybe, instead of joining the mad rush at the mall, sit down in front of the computer and order what you think they might like for Christmas, or even start early and make them something.  If you do this you will have more time to spend with them, instead of in traffic or stuck in a line of frustrated people who expect great customer service on the busiest shopping day of the year.  You could even invite the people you spent Thanksgiving with over on Friday and have a Thanksgiving leftover party and have them help you eat all that turkey you have in zip-lock bags in the fridge.  Have some coffee and play a game, relax and enjoy their company.  Life is too short to join the madness and not tell the people you care about just how much you care.  You don't know when they will leave you, either through death or a job transfer.  Take the time you have and tell them you are thankful they are in your life and enjoy the holiday season together, without the chaos.

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