Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gap Ad

I just have a few words to say about the ad Gap has running with the man in the turban and the woman at his side.  How beautiful is that?  I think it opens the doors for a whole new era of ads in the States and around the world.  Why is it that every time we see a man in a turban there is some negative connotation attached to it?  I think most men who wear turbans would appreciate a little positive publicity once in a while.  For one thing, not every turban-wearing man hates Americans and two, how would we know anyway?  How many Americans have been to an Arabic country or India?  Not very many and with that being said, let's just drop all the stereotypes. I don't know why the media portrays them all as American-haters, but it all needs to stop and this won't happen until there is a little more cultural exchange and a better economy in the countries/ regions where the few  people who hate the States actually live.  Instead of judging them, let's try helping them build strong international economies.  I realize this isn't easy; that there are political and cultural obstacles but simply judging people and not trying to understand their culture, or worse, imposing your own on them is not the way to go about accomplishing peace and acceptance.  I salute the Gap for portraying someone other than a white, very thin woman as it's model for the Christmas season.

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