Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A New Chapter in Dresden

I took part in MIT's ULab at the beginning of this year and it was really an awesome experience for me.  Please don't equate awesome with easy, it wasn't easy and took a tremendous amount of time and energy.  However, it was really life changing in that it forced me to take a closer look at my personal and business relationships and think critically about how I could improve them by improving myself. Turning the mirror in my direction and taking a look inside was not at all easy, but the result was well worth the effort.  I began to think about how 'I' was always thinking about how what people were telling me related to me specifically and, if I were honest with myself, how I didn't really listen to what they were saying most of the time.  The ULab changed all of that.  At the end of the course I had truly transformed myself into a deep listener and not only did I listen to the words people said, but the deeper meaning in them, not to mention that I learned to listen to myself in the process.  As the ULab 2.0 gears up for a new start on September 10, 2015, so do I.  As an entrepreneur, Buddhist, and human being who wants to improve not only my life, but the lives of others, I am so excited to start learning something that will help me realize the goal of integrating refugees into Dresden life and culture and helping Dresdeners open their eyes, minds and hearts to welcome and learn from the foreigners who will call Dresden home.

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